By Genevieve Garcia ’22, Communication major
Jordan Miller ’23, Media X major
Mackaby Pennington ’22, Media X major
Pacific communication professor Graham Carpenter is giving us opportunities for up-close and personal experiences this fall with the Pac-12 Network. Professor Carpenter felt we were ready for the responsibility after we were able to handle producing virtual commencement last May. The three of us were thrilled to get the behind-the-scenes look at the production side of the football.
We truly enjoyed this opportunity because we were able to get hands-on experience and see if this is something we’d like to pursue in the future.
The press box alone has so many things that are going on all at once. Two announcers comment on the games—that is what everyone sees broadcast on television. Each of them has their notes before the game, but there is also a stat analyst who gives them updated stats throughout the game to make sure the reporters are on top of their craft and accurate.
Another person listens to the commentators while watching the game to provide the graphics or imaginary lines we see on television during the first downs. A production manager gives the reporters both promos and advertisements to read live which is a very difficult job, especially since they are only given these a couple of hours before the show.
Seeing all these events play out is mind-boggling.
We were given the opportunity to try out the cameras like the ones Professor Carpenter uses, which are a lot harder to operate than they look! We learned how to set up all the gear from beginning to end and although it is tedious, it is so worth it.
The best part of the experience were the people who were there and everyone who made it possible. Everyone was so happy to be there and eager to teach us. Although we were new to the scene, it automatically felt like family, which is something no words can ever describe. Interning for Pacific Tiger Broadcasting has been provided real-to-life involvement in media production that we have been able to be a part of, and we appreciate Professor Carpenter believing in our abilities and helping us cultivate meaningful experiences in this industry.